Society 5.0 2023: Author Index

Abdul Latif, Ahmad ShaharudinRevitalizing Public Trust through Efficient Complaint Management: A Comprehensive Study on the Impact and Effectiveness of Public Complaint Management System of Malaysia
Abdul Wahab, SazaliRevitalizing Public Trust through Efficient Complaint Management: A Comprehensive Study on the Impact and Effectiveness of Public Complaint Management System of Malaysia
Ablay, MinervaManaging the work-life balance when working from home: the experience of Flemish parents
Adebesin, FunmiA Systematic Literature Review on Cybersecurity Threats to Healthcare Data and Mitigation Strategies
Aeschbacher, MarcLeading in Society5.0, The 5Co Leadership Concept
Ali, RozainaRevitalizing Public Trust through Efficient Complaint Management: A Comprehensive Study on the Impact and Effectiveness of Public Complaint Management System of Malaysia
Asprion, PetraAgile Management in Cybersecurity
Asprion, Petra MariaPersona-oriented Data Protection Impact Assessment for Small Businesses
Bhat, SourabhaAgile Management in Cybersecurity
Boolaky, AleeshaDisruptive innovation in Small and Medium Enterprises: a key factors checklist
Catervi, TommasoPlayWithUnicam: An extensible platform for serious games
Celliers, LpSystemic risk enacted by emotionally driven client behaviour on South African mobile banking systems: A structured literature review through the theoretical lens of interpersonal behaviour
Cheng, MichelleManaging the work-life balance when working from home: the experience of Flemish parents
Chittoo, HemantDisruptive innovation in Small and Medium Enterprises: a key factors checklist
Cipolletta, LeonardoPlayWithUnicam: An extensible platform for serious games
Claes, JanManaging the work-life balance when working from home: the experience of Flemish parents
Corradini, FlavioPlayWithUnicam: An extensible platform for serious games
Cottriau, SarahManaging the work-life balance when working from home: the experience of Flemish parents
Couckhuyt, NerineManaging the work-life balance when working from home: the experience of Flemish parents
De La Harpe, AndreUncovering Cross-Platform Spreading Patterns of Fake News about Covid-19
Eybers, SunetExploring the social and technical factors in organisational AI adoption: A systematic literature review
Gagiano, MarcEmotionally driven fake news in South Africa
Gebhart, JulianAnalysing Barriers in the Business Ecosystem of European MaaS Providers: An Actor-Network Approach
Giovanoli, ClaudioAgile Management in Cybersecurity
Grieder, HermannA Cyber Attack Simulation for Teaching Cybersecurity
Grimberg, FrankA Cyber Attack Simulation for Teaching Cybersecurity
Heitz, Luc BryanA Cyber Attack Simulation for Teaching Cybersecurity
Jonkers, NataliePersona-oriented Data Protection Impact Assessment for Small Businesses
Jüngling, StephanA First Step Towards a “Smart City Brain” for Sustainable Development - Turning Experiences of Two Cities into Replicable Processes
Kautondokwa, PopyeniExamining the Barriers and Enablers of AI Adoption in a Multimedia Organization
Kierans, GordanaA First Step Towards a “Smart City Brain” for Sustainable Development - Turning Experiences of Two Cities into Replicable Processes
Krebs, MichaelSuccess factor focus and attention in study and work - a call for action at institutes of higher education in a more and more digitalized world
Kuhn, ChristineSuccess factor focus and attention in study and work - a call for action at institutes of higher education in a more and more digitalized world
Le Cunff, EricA system of customer co-creation for new product development of digital products with a pilot study of the Swiss media industry
Legena, ValeriaLeading in Society5.0, The 5Co Leadership Concept
Marivate, VukosiEmotionally driven fake news in South Africa
Combating Hate: How Multilingual Transformers Can Help Detect Topical Hate Speech
Marvell, AlanAnalysing Barriers in the Business Ecosystem of European MaaS Providers: An Actor-Network Approach
Mauree-Narrainen, DiroubineeDisruptive innovation in Small and Medium Enterprises: a key factors checklist
Maurer, MarcelA Cyber Attack Simulation for Teaching Cybersecurity
Misyura, IlyaPersona-oriented Data Protection Impact Assessment for Small Businesses
Mkhize, ThandazileExamining the Barriers and Enablers of AI Adoption in a Multimedia Organization
Mthwazi, GuidanceManaging the work-life balance when working from home: the experience of Flemish parents
Oosterwyk, GrantExamining the Barriers and Enablers of AI Adoption in a Multimedia Organization
Padachi, KessevenDisruptive innovation in Small and Medium Enterprises: a key factors checklist
Pretorius, Hendrik WillemSystemic risk enacted by emotionally driven client behaviour on South African mobile banking systems: A structured literature review through the theoretical lens of interpersonal behaviour
Ramphul, NeedeshDisruptive innovation in Small and Medium Enterprises: a key factors checklist
Re, BarbaraPlayWithUnicam: An extensible platform for serious games
Rondini, MatteoPlayWithUnicam: An extensible platform for serious games
Rossi, LorenzoPlayWithUnicam: An extensible platform for serious games
Scherb, ChristopherAgile Management in Cybersecurity
A Cyber Attack Simulation for Teaching Cybersecurity
Schiesser, LukasUncovering Cross-Platform Spreading Patterns of Fake News about Covid-19
Schlick, SandraAnalysing Barriers in the Business Ecosystem of European MaaS Providers: An Actor-Network Approach
A system of customer co-creation for new product development of digital products with a pilot study of the Swiss media industry
Schneider, BettinaPersona-oriented Data Protection Impact Assessment for Small Businesses
Schütz, DanielA First Step Towards a “Smart City Brain” for Sustainable Development - Turning Experiences of Two Cities into Replicable Processes
Simelane, BusisiweSelecting a Knowledge Management Methodology in Society 5.0
Sitte, MichaelSuccess factor focus and attention in study and work - a call for action at institutes of higher education in a more and more digitalized world
Smit, DanieExploring the social and technical factors in organisational AI adoption: A systematic literature review
Smit, ReinhardtGame-based learning - Teaching Artificial Intelligence to play Minecraft: a systematic literature review
Smuts, HanlieSelecting a Knowledge Management Methodology in Society 5.0
Game-based learning - Teaching Artificial Intelligence to play Minecraft: a systematic literature review
Society 5.0-Inspired Digitalization Framework for Resilient and Sustainable Agriculture
Disruptive innovation in Small and Medium Enterprises: a key factors checklist
Srikissoon, TrishantaCombating Hate: How Multilingual Transformers Can Help Detect Topical Hate Speech
Termont, GillesManaging the work-life balance when working from home: the experience of Flemish parents
Tombe, RonaldSociety 5.0-Inspired Digitalization Framework for Resilient and Sustainable Agriculture
Van Belle, Jean-PaulManaging the work-life balance when working from home: the experience of Flemish parents
Vilakazi, KhanyisileA Systematic Literature Review on Cybersecurity Threats to Healthcare Data and Mitigation Strategies
Weilbach, LizetteDisruptive innovation in Small and Medium Enterprises: a key factors checklist
Witschel, Hans FriedrichUncovering Cross-Platform Spreading Patterns of Fake News about Covid-19
Zaugg, EstherPersona-oriented Data Protection Impact Assessment for Small Businesses
van der Merwe, AltaExploring the social and technical factors in organisational AI adoption: A systematic literature review