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Development, Validation and Pilot for Clinical Survey Research in Malaysia

EasyChair Preprint 15821

4 pagesDate: February 11, 2025


Patient engagement concept combines patients’ knowledge, capacity and readiness to manage healthcare to promote positive patient attitude. This concept encompasses 3 components including attributes, antecedence and consequences which are then represented by personalisation, access, commitment and therapeutic alliances. Previous studies has resulted to the integration of patient engagement nationally. But, the utilisation lacks in fundamental understanding of the theory and antecedence behind its implementation. Objectives: The objective of this study were to (1) to develop, validate three sets of questionnaires and perform a pilot testing to estimate the attributes contributing to patient engagement between personalisation, access, commitment and therapeutic alliances (PACT) among patients, doctors and administrators in Klang Valley Methods: There were three sets of questionnaire developed for patients, doctors and administrators respectively. The set of questions were assessed by psychometrians, researchers and experts for review on the questions construct suitability, content validity and reliability. Then, a pilot survey was conducted involving 30 randomly selected and consented respondents from each sample group. Internal reliability score was calculated from data collected and a retest was done. Conclusions: The step-by-step method will aid in developing and implementing a successful patient engagement model to improve population health.

Keyphrases: Engagement, Validation, access commitment and therapeutic alliances pact, component of pact, content validity, face validation, internal reliability score, patient engagement, personalization access commitment, pilot study, questionnaire development, questionnaire development validation, survey research, validation and pilot, validity and reliability

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Nur Syafiqah Abu Bakar and Mohd Shaffid Md Shariff},
  title     = {Development, Validation and Pilot for Clinical Survey Research in Malaysia},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 15821},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2025}}
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