Download PDFOpen PDF in browserAutomatic acquisition of femoral bony landmarks4 pages•Published: December 17, 2024AbstractNavigated orthopaedic surgery relies on bony landmarks and the accuracy of their acquisition can impact the surgery outcomes. We propose an automatic workflow to de- termine 11 femoral bony landmarks on virtual 3D meshes.The studied landmarks were first determined on the mean shape of a statistical shape model of the femur. Then the statistical shape model was fitted to the virtual 3D meshes, and the landmarks of the mean shape were projected onto the fitted mesh. The proposed method was validated by comparing the computed landmarks to ground truth landmarks acquired manually on 41 knees. We also investigated the impact of the landmarks’ accu- racy on the variability of axes and resection planes derived from the considered landmarks. The 11 femoral bony landmarks were automatically determined in less than 2 minutes with an accuracy of 2.81 ± 1.86mm. Such error impacted the accuracy of the derived axes and planes with less than 0.5° angular deviation. Three landmarks had poorer accuracy and precision attesting how ambiguous their defini- tion is and the difficulty to identify them. The proposed method allows the fast acquisition of femoral bony landmarks, with similar accuracy to manual approaches. Keyphrases: automated detection, femoral landmarks, patient specific, total knee arthroplasty In: Joshua W Giles and Aziliz Guezou-Philippe (editors). Proceedings of The 24th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery, vol 7, pages 84-87.