![]() | KUI 2025: XXII. International Conference »Culture and Computer Science« Kulturforum Berlin Berlin, Germany, September 25-26, 2025 |
Conference website | https://kui2025.htw-berlin.de/ |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=kui2025 |
Poster | download |
Abstract registration deadline | April 25, 2025 |
Submission deadline | April 25, 2025 |
About KUI Conference
The annual Culture and Computer Science conference series focuses on best practice examples, challenges and future trends at the intersection of culture and computer science focussing fields like physical and virtual spaces, mixed, extended, augmented, and virtual reality, hybrid systems, 3D technology, data collection and management, media integration, modelling, visualisation, and interaction. The conference addresses employees of cultural and creative industries, art and culture professionals, media and communication scientists, computer scientists, engineers, designers, and architects who conduct research and development on cultural topics.
Starting in 2023, the KUI conference, which had always taken place in Berlin until then, became itinerant with its first meeting in Lisbon, Portugal, followed by a conference in Florence, Italy, in 2024 and returning to Berlin, Germany, in 2025.
The KUI abbreviation originated in the former German naming of the “Kultur und Informatik” conference series, which was replaced in 2013 with “Culture and Computer Science” due to the increased international focus.
Call for Papers KUI 2025
In its defining form, remix is about the reuse of existing material to create something new. Rooting back into the artistic avant-garde of the 1920s with its montage and collage techniques and having sprout flowers in the context of music production, remix today is a wide cultural practice that is performed by folks and professionals using, transforming and drawing upon the spectrum of our analog world, its references and extensions in the digital sphere.
Without sources form the past, a remix couldn’t exist. Archives and museums can use the participatory power of remixes by giving access to their digitalized cultural heritage to creators of a new spectrum of applications, cultural education formats, and artworks.
At the same time, a remix of existing material has always meant the originators’ loss of control over the new outcome and goes hand in hand with questions of creativity, originality and copyright. In this sense, the concept of remix gains new relevance and can be discussed in view of the rapid development of AI technologies, the intention of machine-made remixes, their influence and long-term impact on our contemporary culture.
Given these multifaceted points of reference for current research, Remixing analog and digital is the theme of the XXII. International Conference on Culture and Computer Science (KUI) that will be held on September 25–26, 2025, in Berlin.
Focus Topics
We are looking for submissions that address this KUI conference theme, as well as topics including but not limited to:
- Physical and virtual spaces, especially hybrid spaces
- Code and materiality
- Hybrid applications
- Analog and digital exhibition design
- Mixed reality, augmented reality, augmented virtuality, and virtual reality systems, applications, and technologies
- Collections – exploitation, design, exhibition, and conveyance
- Cultural heritage (tangible and intangible)
- Virtual reconstruction and simulation of cultural sites (acoustic, visual, and material)
- Influence of art and culture on future technical developments and vice versa
- Human–computer interaction
- Intuitive usage of media systems
- Natural user interfaces
- Sketching
- Machine Learning for cultural applications
- AI generated art
- Fake news and fake views
- AI hallucinations
- Discourse on AI and its societal impact
- Ethics in culture and computer science
- Cultural techniques
- Technologies for physical and virtual spaces
- 3D technologies
- Visualisation and interaction technologies
- Interactive multimedia solutions for museums, theatres, concert halls, exhibitions etc.
- Collaboration in physical and virtual spaces
- Location-based and context-sensitive services in a cultural context
- Digital and hybrid storytelling
- Artistic projects (hybrid or digital)
- Avatars, digital doubles and virtual identities
- Sustainability in the (post-)digital world
- Climate responsibility in art & culture
- Reuse and circular economy in art & culture
- Analog and digital barriers, accessibility
The submission deadline is Friday, April 25, 2025. Articles must be in English and will be double-blind peer-reviewed. This year, there will be the possibility to submit:
- Full papers (5.000–10.000 words, i.e. 6–10 two column pages)
- Scientific with 15 min. oral presentation
- Artistic with 15 min. oral presentation
- Short papers (2.000–3.000 words, i.e. 3–4 two column pages)
- Artistic with 10 min. oral presentation
- Scientific with poster
- Demos & Artistic Projects, optionally with or without paper (full/short)
Accepted papers will be published in the ACM digital library and indexed in Scopus. As an alternative, independent researchers and artists can have their papers published open access at Zenodo.
Important note to authors about the new ACM open access publishing model:
- ACM has introduced a new open access publishing model for the International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS). Authors based at institutions that are not yet part of the ACM Open program and do not qualify for a waiver will be required to pay an article processing charge (APC) to publish their ICPS article in the ACM Digital Library. To determine whether or not an APC will be applicable to your article, please follow the detailed guidance here: https://www.acm.org/publications/icps/author-guidance.
- Further information may be found on the ACM website, as follows:
- Full details of the new ICPS publishing model: https://www.acm.org/publications/icps/faq
- Full details of the ACM Open program: https://www.acm.org/publications/openaccess
- Please direct all questions about the new model to icps-info@acm.org.
Guidelines for papers
KUI 2025 uses the ACM TAPS workflow for submission and publication. A simplified single-column template is required for submission, while the final paper will be rendered in two columns for publication upon acceptance.
All relevant information incl. the submission template can be found at https://www.acm.org/publications/authors/submissions.
The paper must be submitted via EasyChair at the following link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=kui2025.
A submission implies a willingness to register for the conference and present the paper if it is accepted.
Review process
All submissions will be double-blind peer-reviewed by at least two members of the programme committee.
Final paper submission
Camera-ready versions of accepted papers must include text, figures, appendices, and bibliographic references. Due date: August 25, 2025.
Presentation of paper
One author of each accepted paper is requested to register for the conference and to present their work. This is a requirement for all accepted submissions to be published as part of the conference proceedings. The organisation committee agreed on a physical-only conference mode.
Full Paper
Please follow all steps as described under “Guidelines for papers”.
Short Paper
Guidelines for artistic paper (short paper)
In the context of artistic research, artistic papers can include descriptions of new artistic approaches, processes, methodologies, results and reactions from recipients – but also discussions of theoretical (e.g. philosophical) backgrounds and reflections on the artworks presented.
If you submit an artistic paper, you have the choice between two options:
- Submit a paper for the ACM proceedings published in the ACM library incl. ACM publication fees.
- Submit a paper that will be published for free and Open Access via Zenodo.
For both options, please follow the steps as described under “Guidelines for papers”.
Guidelines for poster (short paper)
Please follow the »Guidelines for papers« and the details on presentation of posters as described here:
Presentation of poster
Please bring an A1 poster for the presentation at our Demos, Artistic Projects and Poster Sessions.
In addition, all posters and demos will be presented at our Poster & Demo Madness (1 slide + 1 min. oral presentation).
Demo or Artistic Project
Demo and artistic project submissions should include:
- A document of 2–5 pages (template) incl.
- title, production year/span
- contact dates
- demo/artwork description
- technical requirements
- images, sketches, drafts
- Optional: A short or long paper (see guidelines for authors).
The deadlines for papers also apply to demos and artistic projects.
Presentation of demo or artistic project
All demos and artistic projects will be presented at our Demos, Artistic Projects and Poster Sessions. Tables, electricity and Wifi will be provided.
In addition, all posters and demos will be presented at our Poster & Demo Madness (1 min. oral presentation, 1 slide).
Artistic projects will be presented orally at our Art & Culture Track.
For the Chairs & Committees, please visit the KUI 2025 conference website: https://kui2025.htw-berlin.de/committee-kui-2025.
Accepted papers will be published in the ACM digital library and indexed in Scopus. As an alternative, independent researchers and artists can have their papers published open access at Zenodo.
The conference will be held at Kulturforum in Berlin, Germany.
All questions about submissions should be emailed to kui25-conference@htw-berlin.de.