ICSC CITIES 2025: VIII Ibero-American Congress of Smart Cities Ciudad Modelo Puebla, Mexico, November 10-12, 2025 |
Conference website | https://icsc-cities.com/ |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icsccities2025 |
VIII Ibero-American Congress of Smart Cities
Smart cities result from the increasingly urgent need to orient our lives towards sustainability. Therefore, these cities use infrastructure, innovation, and technology to improve the quality of life of their citizens.Being a strategic issue that brings new challenges, the organizing committee invites the academic community to participate in the VIII Iberoamerican Congress of Smart Cities (ICSC-CITIES 2025). The congress will be a discussion forum to create synergies among different research groups to favor the development of Smart Cities. Therefore, authors are invited to register and submit manuscripts and contribute to knowledge development and integration in different scenarios.ICSC-CITIES 2025 will take place on November 10-12, 2025, in Ciudad Modelo, Puebla, Mexico, with the sponsorship of the Centro de Innovación e Integración de Tecnologías Avanzadas and the Centro de Investigación en Computación of the Instituto Politécnico Nacional.
Ciudad Modelo, Puebla, Mexico, November 10–12, 2025
(presential and on-line congress)
Important dates
Submission deadline September 17, 2025
Notification Due October 22, 2025
Final Version Due November 7, 2025
Main topics: sustainability, mobility, energy efficiency, governance, artificial intelligence, urban informatics and big data, sensors and Internet of Things, sustainability, governance.
Conference website http://icsc-cities.com
(Publications of selected articles will be free for the extension to the Journals) REGISTRATION FEES
- Author of article accepted as a poster: 50 €
- Author of article accepted for the Proceedings (with ISBN): 150 €
- Author of article selected for Springer books: 200 €
- Author of article selected for extension to Journal: 250 €
Submission Guidelines
All manuscripts must be original and not simultaneously submitted to or in consideration for another journal or conference. Manuscripts written in Spanish, Portuguese, or English are considered for presentation at the congress. The maximum length is 15 pages, and the maximum file size is 5 MB. Authors should consult the guidelines for authors by Springer and prepare the manuscripts using the proceedings templates, either for Latex or for Word.
Submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icsccities2025
List of Topics
The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
- IoT and ubiquitous devices
- Smart mobility
- Energy efficiency
- Smart grid Social governance
- Social sustainability
- Energy efficiency and sustainability
- Smart industry
- Smart environment
- Smart economy
- Real-world experiences
- Smart urban services (courier, security, health, transport, environment control, waste management, water supply, etc.)
- Urban informatics, Big Data, data management, analytics and artificial intelligence for smart cities
- Smart cities from an inclusive vision
- Electric systems and other developments for smart cities
The accepted articles will be published in the proceedings book of the congress (with ISBN). Also, the Program Committee will select the best-accepted articles (written in English) to be published in Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science (citescore 0.8 Scopus; SJR 0.16 - Q4 Computer Science) and Proceedings in Energy series.
In addition, authors of selected articles will be invited to extend their contribution to be submitted for publication in special issues of the following journals:
- Advanced Sustainable Systems (Wiley) indexed in JCR with I.F. 6.5-Q1 Materials Science, Multidisciplinary; citescore 10.8 in Scopus and SJR 1.45-Q1 Environmental Science,
- Applied Thermal Engineering (Elsevier) indexed in JCR with I.F. 6.1-Q1 Thermodynamics; citescore 11.3 in Scopus and SJR 1.49-Q1 Energy Engineering and Power Technology,
- Cities (Elsevier) indexed in JCR with I.F. 6.0-Q1 Urban Studies; citescore 11.2 in Scopus and SJR 1.73-Q1 Urban Studies, Development and Sociology and Political Science,
- Topic “Sustainable Energy Systems” (MDPI) includes the following journals: Agriculture, Energies, Vehicles, World Electric Vehicles, Sensors, Sustainability & Urban Sciences,
- Revista Facultad de Ingeniería (Universidad de Antioquia) indexed in JCR with I.F. 0.9-Q3 Engineering, Multidisciplinary; citescore 2.0 in Scopus and SJR 0.23-Q3 Engineering,
- Programming and Computer Software (Springer) indexed in JCR with I.F. 0.7-Q4 Computer Science, Software Engineering; citescore 1.6 in Scopus and SJR 0.3-Q3 Software,
- SN Computer Science (Springer) indexed in Scopus with 5.6 citescore and SJR 0.72-Q2 Computational Theory and Mathematics,
- Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports (Springer) indexed in Scopus with 5.1 citescore and SJR 0.77-Q1 Engineering,
- Renewable Energies (Sage) recently created, open-access journal.
Publications of selected articles will be free of charge. At least 40% of original content is required in the extended version.
Contact information
For any question please contact the Organizing Committee (icsc.cities@gmail.com) or reach out Luis Hernández Callejo (luis.hernandez.callejo@uva.es), Sergio Nesmachnow (sergion@fing.edu.uy) or Pedro Moreno (pmoreno@uaem.mx).
Call for Papers, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Conference Website, Conference EasyChair