![]() | ACM SIGCITE 2025: 26th Annual ACM Conference on Cybersecurity and Information Technology Education Cosumnes River College Sacramento, CA, United States, November 6-8, 2025 |
Conference website | https://sites.google.com/ccecc.acm.org/acm-sigcite-2025 |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=acmsigcite2025 |
Submission deadline | August 3, 2025 |
ACM SIGCITE 2025 Conference
Call for Submissions
The 26th ACM Annual Conference on Cybersecurity and Information Technology Education (ACM SICGITE 2025) will be hosted on the main campus of Cosumnes River College in Sacramento, California, USA on November 6th-8th, 2025.
We are excited to see how this conference will inspire insightful discussions and collaborations to address the challenges facing the disciplines of Cybersecurity and Information Technology Education. We therefore invite submissions and attendees from around the world and from all levels of research, education, and practice to engage in these discussions and exchange knowledge and ideas that will help to shape the future of education in both disciplines.
We invite submissions on a broad range of modern topics related to Cybersecurity and Information Technology Education, including, but not limited to, Artificial Intelligence, blockchain, IT infrastructure design and management, virtual and augmented reality, cloud computing, Big Data, Cybersecurity, user experience design, the current state of the IT industry, the Internet of Things, distance and hybrid learning, research and instruction techniques, curriculum design, and learning assessment. We encourage creative, innovative, and forward-thinking proposals that challenge and inspire the Cybersecurity and IT education communities to explore new frontiers and push the boundaries of our disciplines.
The ACM SIGCITE 2025 Conference will be an in-person event. At least one author must attend the conference and present their accepted submission in person for it to be published in the proceedings.
Conference Theme: Embracing Our exCITing Identity
These are exciting times for Cybersecurity and Information Technology education! Following the recent renaming of the ACM Special Interest Group for Information Technology Education (ACM SIGITE) to ACM Special Interest Group for Cybersecurity and Information Technology Education (ACM SIGCITE), the theme of the ACM SIGCITE 2025 conference, Embracing Our exCITing Identity, particularly encourages academic and industry practitioners in the IT and Cybersecurity communities to share how we are integrating the combined knowledge, skills, and dispositions of our respective disciplines to educate students in the Digital Age.
Before you start...
- The deadline for uploading all submissions is Sunday, August 03rd, 2025 at 11:59 PM (anywhere in the world).
- Submissions must use and follow the ACM Template (see below) and be anonymized (authors' names removed, except for Panels) before submission via the EasyChair platform.
- Submissions must adhere to the page limits listed for each track below. Any submissions that exceed these limits will be rejected without review.
- All authors must include their ORCID iD which is "a free, unique, persistent identifier (PID) for individuals to use as they engage in research, scholarship, and innovation activities." Authors who have not yet registered for a free ORCID iD should do so at orcid.org. Authors who are planning to submit a joint proposal with one or more co-authors should obtain their ORCID iD well before the deadline.
- Following a submission and notification of acceptance, if applicable, authors should closely monitor their email throughout the review process and quickly respond to any questions or requests that the Program Committee or Sheridan, the ACM’s publishing vendor, may send them.
- The Program Committee will notify authors regarding the acceptance or rejection of their submission by Friday, September 05, 2025.
Submission Tracks
Paper submissions should be on topics related to research and innovations in Cybersecurity and Information Technology education. All paper submissions will undergo a blind peer review process. The paper must use one of the ACM submission templates, and its length must not exceed six double-column pages. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings if at least one author registers for the conference and presents the paper in person.
Authors will have 25 minutes to present their work and answer questions from the audience.
Student Papers
Note: For submissions to this category, the first author of the paper must be a registered student (undergraduate or graduate) at the time of submission.
Student paper submissions should be on topics related to research and innovations in Cybersecurity and Information Technology education. All student paper submissions will undergo a blind peer review process. The paper must use one of the ACM submission templates, and its length must not exceed six double-column pages. Accepted student papers will be published in the conference proceedings if at least one student author registers for the conference and presents the paper in person.
Authors of accepted student papers will have a total of 25 minutes to present their work and answer questions from the audience.
Lightning Talks (also known as Big Ideas in Cybersecurity/IT Education)
Lightning Talks are intended to explore preliminary work, tentative projects, or conceptual ideas for potential future work related to research and innovations in Cybersecurity and Information Technology education. They should focus on works in progress, untested ideas, or opportunities for collaboration. The goal of a Lightning Talk is to initiate discussions, seek collaborators, or obtain feedback and critique on an idea; mature, fully developed projects are not suitable for these presentations. All lightning talk submissions will undergo a blind peer review process. The submission must use one of the ACM submission templates, and its length must not exceed two double-column pages. Accepted submissions will be published in the conference proceedings if at least one author registers for the conference and presents the lightning talk in person.
Authors of accepted lightning talks will have a total of 15 minutes to present their work and answer questions from the audience.
Panel sessions offer a platform for expert panelists to share their perspectives on a particular topic, followed by a discussion among themselves and with the audience. Typically, a panel session begins with a brief introduction of the topic and the participants, then each panelist delivers a short presentation of their views. The submission must use one of the ACM submission templates, and its length must not exceed two double-column pages. Accepted panels will be published in the conference proceedings if at least two authors register for the conference and hold the panel in person.
Accepted panels will be scheduled for 60 minutes, and panelists should allow for an interactive question-and-answer (Q&A) period of approximately 20 minutes to engage the audience.
Note: Panel submissions should include author information (i.e., not anonymized).
Tutorials (formerly known as Workshops)
Tutorials offer a comprehensive review or introduction to a topic of interest, providing participants with immediately useful materials and ideas. Presenters should supply participants with handouts, online resources, or other tangible documents that support the tutorial content. All tutorial submissions will undergo a blind peer review process. The submission must use one of the ACM submission templates, and its length must not exceed two double-column pages. Accepted tutorials will be published in the conference proceedings if at least one author registers for the conference and presents the tutorial in person.
Accepted tutorials will be scheduled for 75 minutes. Authors should have any required materials available for distribution in both electronic and printed formats.
Note: Since it will most likely not be possible to install software required for a tutorial on the computers in Cosumnes River College's computer labs, authors should consider providing a virtual desktop environment or having attendees download any required software to their laptops so that they can access all resources necessary for the tutorial. Free high-speed Wi-Fi access will be available on campus during the conference.
Posters (formerly known as Extended Abstracts)
Posters offer an opportunity for informal presentations that facilitate direct interaction and exchange with conference attendees. They are an excellent way to discuss and receive feedback on work in progress that has not yet been fully developed into a paper. Posters should not have been previously published in any form, whether as a paper or another poster. All poster submissions will undergo a blind peer review process. The submission must use one of the ACM submission templates, and its length must not exceed two double-column pages. Accepted tutorials will be published in the conference proceedings if at least one author presents their work and answers audience questions during the poster session to which they are assigned.
Submission Review Criteria
Submissions will be reviewed based on the following criteria:
- Relevance to conference theme
- Selection of a modern topic of broad interest
- Use of strong research processes or practitioner analysis, as applicable
- Well-structured writing and composition
- Correct English spelling and grammar usage
- Adherence to the published submission length and formatting requirements
Important Dates
- Submission Deadline: August 03, 2025
- Notification of Acceptance: September 05, 2025
- Camera-ready Deadline: September 19, 2025
- Conference Dates: November 06-08, 2025
Submission Formatting
You must use one of the options below to format your submissions:
- The ACM’s Interim DOCX template at https://www.acm.org/binaries/content/assets/publications/word_style/interim-template-style/interim-layout.docx
- The LaTeX template at https://portalparts.acm.org/hippo/latex_templates/acmart-primary.zip
- The Overleaf template at https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/acm-conference-proceedings-primaryarticle-template/wbvnghjbzwpc . After opening the template, choose sample-sigconf.tex.
Visit the TAPS Workflow section on the ACM website for additional information.
Submission Link
Submit your proposals via EasyChair at https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=acmsigcite2025.
Important Notice on ACM Publication
By submitting your article to an ACM Publication, you are hereby acknowledging that you and your co-authors are subject to all ACM Publications Policies, including ACM's new Publications Policy on Research Involving Human Participants and Subjects. Alleged violations of this policy or any ACM Publications Policy will be investigated by ACM and may result in a full retraction of your paper, in addition to other potential penalties, as per ACM Publications Policy.
Please ensure that you and your co-authors obtain an ORCID iD, so you can complete the publishing process for your accepted paper. ACM has been involved in ORCID from the start and we have recently made a commitment to collect ORCID iDs from all of our published authors. We are committed to improve author discoverability, ensure proper attribution and contribute to ongoing community efforts around name normalization; your ORCID iD will help in these efforts.
Conference Website
Visit the ACM SIGCITE 2025 conference website for updated information.
You may also access the conference website via the ACM SIGCITE website at sigcite2025.sigcite.org or, while the website is transitioning following the recent name change from SIGITE to SIGCITE, via www.sigite.org.