![]() | DLSU ResCon2025: DLSU Research Congress 2025 De La Salle University Manila, Philippines, June 26-28, 2025 |
Conference website | https://www.dlsu.edu.ph/conferences/research-congress/research-congress-2025/ |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dlsurescon2025 |
Submission deadline | April 15, 2025 |
De La Salle University
Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation
DLSU Research Congress 2025
De La Salle University,
Manila, Philippines
Day 1: June 26, 2025 (In-person, Natividad Fajardo Auditorium, 18th Floor
Br. Andrew Gonzalez Hall)
Day 2: June 27, 2025 (Online)
Day 3: June 28, 2025 (Online)
Theme: AI for a Green Future: Reflecting on 10 Years of Sustainable Development Goals Progress.
The 17 Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) Agenda for 2030 was established by the UN Summit back in 2015, and it envisions promoting prosperity while protecting the planet. To achieve the 17 SDGs, governments across the globe took ownership and responsibility to establish their national frameworks. To seamlessly and clearly incorporate the SDG goals in their innovation and technological activities, the 17 SDGs were embedded in their research and innovation roadmaps. Research and innovation, in the context of the 17 SDGs, refers to the systematic investigation and creation of new knowledge and technologies that address the interconnected challenges facing humanity and the planet. This involves a wide range of disciplines and approaches, from fundamental scientific research to applied engineering and social innovation. These activities are all geared towards achieving a more sustainable and equitable future.
Artificial Intelligence for a Green Future provides a transformative alternative for achieving 17 SDGs faster. With AI’s analytical computing capability, complex sustainability challenges across diverse sectors can be addressed. AI empowers scientists, engineers, and researchers to design more efficient infrastructure and optimize resource management. In addition, AI can be utilized for advanced climate modeling, biodiversity analysis, and materials discovery. Thus accelerating the pace of scientific breakthroughs that are crucial for a green transition. The involvement of AI for the green future plays a vital role in developing AI ethics frameworks and educating the next generation of researchers and scientists. Realizing the full potential of AI for a Green Future and reflecting on the progress of the SDGs requires a commitment to responsible AI development, ensuring inclusivity, transparency, and ethical considerations. Thus, this collaborative, multi-faceted approach will accelerate progress towards a sustainable and equitable future for all.
Call for Papers
We invite the academic community, our partners, and research collaborators to submit short papers and full papers related but not limited to the following research themes:
Research Theme |
Code |
Food, Nutrition, and Health |
Sustainability, Environment, and Energy |
Human Centric Technology |
Learners and Learning Innovations |
Women, Children, Family and the Elderly |
Living Culture and Contemporary Societies |
Entrepreneurship, Business and Management |
Socio-Economic and Political Landscape |
Theoretical, Philosophical, and Historical Studies |
Opportunity to Publish. Selected papers will also have a chance to be published in the Asia Pacific Social Science Review and DLSU Business and Economics Review, which are Scopus-accredited.
Important Dates
For general inquiries, please email: rescongress.register@dlsu.edu.ph
For paper inquiries, please email: rescongress.paper@dlsu.edu.ph
There will also be a Poster Session dedicated to correspondents to present their initial research undertakings. All the correspondents accepted for poster presentation may opt to prepare a two-minute presentation for the Gong Show. The title and abstract of the poster have to be submitted by April 25, 2025.
We are also inviting submissions for sessions, colloquium, and workshop proposals/papers that are in line with the conference theme and other aspects of strengthening the country’s research capability. Session, colloquium, and workshop proposals have to be submitted by April 25, 2025.
Submitted papers and workshop proposals will undergo a review process and, once accepted, should be presented during the research congress.
1. Full Paper
1.1 Submission of a full paper is required for paper presentations.
1.2. The full paper for paper presentations must contain a brief introductory statement of the research and continue with the methodology and summary of the results obtained, followed by a conclusion(s). It is not acceptable to say “...the results will be discussed...” as results are expected to be presented and discussed. It must also include a list of key bibliographic sources.
1.3. Standard abbreviations should be used throughout the text. Any special or unusual abbreviation should be spelled out in full at first mention, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. Please use a minimal number of abbreviations.
1.4. Symbols (i.e., Greek) can be used as well as boldfaced, underlined, and italicized characters.
1.5. Check the manuscript carefully for grammatical or typographical errors.
1.6. The format for the full paper may be found at the following link:
1.7 Except for submissions to Poster Sessions, all full paper submissions should have the faculty or lead researcher as the corresponding author. A maximum of four (4) paper submissions per corresponding author is allowed.
1.8 Full papers must be prepared in Portable Document Format (.pdf file format) consisting of a maximum of 1,200 words letter-sized page, with one-inch margins on all sides. The abstract MUST BE in TEXT ONLY without graphs, pictures, or tables, and should contain a title, name/s of author/s (underline the name of the presenting author), department/s, and address/es. Make sure to indicate whether the author would like to include his or her full paper in the conference proceedings.
1.9 Acknowledgments of the source(s) of research support, if any, may optionally be included in the paper.
1.10 All papers must be written in English or Filipino and submitted electronically to EasyChair via the link:
2. If the submitted paper is accepted, the author has until May 31, 2025 to submit the revised Full Paper addressing the comments received, if any. The Full Paper should consist of a maximum of 8 pages on a letter-sized page, with one-inch margins on all sides, and should be submitted in two different files.
2.1 Submit the .pdf file format to EasyChair via the link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dlsurescon2025
2.2. Submit the .doc/.docx file format to the organizing committee via the email: rescongress.paper@dlsu.edu.ph
3. Conference
3.1 Presentations on the day of the conference must not exceed 15 minutes each.
3.2 For the final full paper to appear in the conference proceedings, the accepted papers should be presented during the conference.
4. The final full paper will be published in the conference proceedings (unless the author has indicated to exclude it from the proceedings).
If the paper is presented at the conference, the author has until June 29, 2025, to submit the .pdf file format of the final full paper (camera ready) (max of 8 pages) to the DLSU Research Congress 2024 EasyChair submission page: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dlsurescon2025
5. Poster sessions
5.1 The title and abstract of the poster have to be submitted electronically by April 25, 2025 to EasyChair via the link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dlsurescon2025. Make sure to indicate that you are submitting for the Poster Sessions.
5.2. The author may attach 1-2 slides for the Gong Show Presentation upon submission of the poster abstract via the EasyChair link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dlsurescon2025.
The attached file should be in .pdf file format.
5.3. For poster presentations, the corresponding author need not be a faculty.
5.4. The presenter will be given 2 minutes to promote his/her poster during the Gong Show using the slides that they have attached upon submission of their poster abstract.
6. Workshop/Tutorial/Colloquium/Mini-symposium Proposals/Papers
6.1 We are also inviting submissions for Workshop/Tutorial/Colloquium/Mini-symposium proposals/papers, which are in line with the conference theme and other aspects of strengthening the country’s research capability. The proposals have to be submitted by April 25, 2025. Format for proposals may be found at the following URL: https://bit.ly/Workshop-Proposal-Form
6.2. The title and abstract of the proposals/papers have to be submitted electronically by April 25, 2025 to EasyChair via the link: