DCIS2025: 40th Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems Hotel Santemar, Joaquín Costa, 28. Santander, Spain, November 26-28, 2025 |
Conference website | https://dcis2025.unican.es/ |
Submission deadline | May 4, 2025 |
The conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS) is an international meeting for researchers in the highly active fields of micro and nano electronic circuits and integratedsystems. It provides an excellent forum to present and discussworks on the emerging challenges offered by technology, in theareas of modeling, design, implementation and test of devices,circuits and systems.
Submission Guidelines
We encourage submission of manuscripts (IEEE single spaced,double column, A4 page, 6 pages maximum) employing the IEEE manuscript templates for conference proceedings through the online paper submission system at the conference website.
“Best papers on Embedded HW” will be invited to submit an extended version of the conference paper to the Journal on Microprocessors and Microsystems: Embedded Hardware Design( MICPRO).
Topics of interest include
- Analog / mixed signal circuits and systems
- Design of power-thermal and variability-aware circuits and systems
- New computing and hardware paradigms (machine learning, Acceleration, approximate and stochastic computing, bio inspired computing, ...)
- Circuits and systems in advanced and emerging technologies (SiC,GaN, silicon photonics, 3DICs, quantum devices, …)
- Reconfigurable devices and systems (FPGA, NVRAM, memristors, …)
- Embedded and high performance computing
- RISC V based systems (hardware, architectures, software, …)
- EDA tools and methods· Industrial and power electronics
- Sustainable computing and systems
- Sensory circuits and systems
- Energy management and harvesting
- Test, fault tolerance, reliability and modeling
- Radiofrequency ICs (6G, RFID, NFC, …)
- On Chip and off chip interconnects
- IoT and applications (industry 4.0, personalized healthcare, …)
- Hardware security
- Educational Methods on Electronics
General Chair: Eugenio Villar (University of Cantabria)
General Co-Chair: Marcelino Santos (SiliconGate)
Program Chair and Co-Chair: Frederic Petrot (TIMA) , Pablo Sánchez (U. Cantabria)
Special Sessions Chair: Francesc Moll (BSC)
Publicity Chair: Jesús Barba (UCLM)
Awards Chair: Francisco Fernández (University of Sevilla)
Ph.D. Forum Chair: Celia López (University Carlos III)
Industrial Liasons Chair: Alfonso Gabarrón (AESEMI)
Local Committe Chair and Committe: Víctor Fernández (Chair), Héctor Posadas, David Aledo,Raúl Gómez Varela, Andrés Martínez, Pablo Montes,Marina Cordevilla, José Luis Vazquez
International Committee IEEE Liasions: Shanti Pavan, Orla Feely, Andreas Demosthenous, JinhuLu, Pau Choo (Julia) Chung, Sorin Cotofana, SergioBampi, Alyssa Apsel, Chai Wah Wu, José Pineda deGyvez, Gabriel Rincón Mora, Massimo Alioto, Ana Rusu,David Atienza, Wenwu Zhu
Steering Committee: Eduard Alarcon, María José Avedillo de Juan, RocBerenguer, Luis Entrena, Francisco Javier GonzálezCañete, Jaime Jiménez, Celia López Ongil, Juan CarlosLópez, Marisa López Vallejo, Josep Maria López Villega,José Machado da Silva, Francesc Moll, Antonio Nuñez,Arantxa Otín, Luis Parrilla, Michel Renovell, TeresaRiesgo, Miquel Roca, Angel Rodríguez Vazquez,Marcelino Santos, Roberto Sarmiento, José A. SilvaMatos, J.Paulo Teixeira, Antonio J. Torralba, JavierUceda , Eugenio
The conference will be held at:
Hotel Santemar. Joaquín Costa, 28. 39005 Santander, Spain
hotel.santemar@hsantos.es +34 942272900
All questions about submissions should be emailed to c3_secretaria@unican.es
Cátedra Chip Cantabria ACORDE Ministerio para la transformación Digital y de la función pública. Secretaría de estado de telecomunicaciones e infraestructuras digitales. PERTE CHIP